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Walletsplus – Trusted OEM Solution Provider of choice for prestigious International Brands

Blog September

Q) What is an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)?

A) An Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) makes products that are branded for and retailed by another company. OEMs can save time and money. OEM production capability enables an enterprise to focus on its core business viz. brand projection, advertisements, retail, ecommerce, or wholesale instead of having to develop, run and sustain complete production units.

Q) Why is an OEM important?

A) By partnering with a trusted OEM like WALLETSPLUS, a company can massively reduce costs. Companies don’t need to build manufacturing facilities or handle production in-house. They simply integrate the OEM into their system and sell under their own brand name.

OEM products are hugely cheaper due to economies of scale. WALLETSPLUS excels in producing finished leather accessories, and thrives by building hundreds of thousands, or even millions of those products on a cost-effective, streamlined basis.

What’s more, OEMs also provide a good return on investment by increasing the company’s financial bottom line. The cost savings are passed onto the customer who purchases the product.

To sum up, collaborating with WALLETSPLUS would be like – not having to manage multiple vendors and managing each part, but rather joining hands with one trusted end-to-end solution provider factory to ensure that your core business performs efficiently and at minimal cost to maintain.

Q) What are the key features of an effective OEM support?

A) A reliable OEM offers services to help a customer with its end-to-end manufacturing solutions with a one-stop solution. The provider manages multiple third-party vendors on behalf of the organization – from a single point of contact.

At WALLETSPLUS, we walk together with the customer through the whole production process. From conception and prototyping to production, QC, custom packaging, logistics, and shipment, we have it all covered.

Welcome to the hassle-free world of WALLETSPLUS!

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