a way

Kolkata a way never ceases to surprise with its amazing and awe-worthy sights. Mr. Dhananjay Chakraborty, a taxi driver in Kolkata, has created a rooftop garden on his cab. He calls it the ‘subuj rath’ or the green chariot. His Taxi, an Ambassador, apart from having a green grass-bed on the roof, has eight potted plants in the trunk and has a green interior completely to promote the message that trees and plants should be planted and taken care of. 

The car has metal containers on the rooftop whose bottom is laid with soil, white sand and stone chips and the natural green grass grows up soon. It weighs about 65 kgs and cost Mr. Chakraborty about Rs. 22000 to build. 

Mr. Chakraborty gives an added message. According to him, planting trees is not enough; taking care of them and nurturing them is crucial. Because tree planting initiatives keep happening but most of the saplings just wither away due to lack of water & care. It is imperative for all of us, to start doing our bit. 

So, the next time you are in Kolkata, do not miss a ride in the green taxi, or as Mr. Chakraborty likes to call it, the ‘subuj rath’.

a way

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